Barn Find Hunter Bags Two Classics in Small Town America

Kileen Pitt Kileen Pitt Feb 23, 2024 Found
Barn Find Hunter Bags Two Classics in Small Town America

In the quiet corners of America's heartland, away from the bustling cities and well-trodden paths, lie treasures waiting to be discovered. Dennis Collins, a renowned figure in the world of classic car hunting, recently embarked on a journey to the small towns of Ashley, Illinois, and Bloomsdale, Missouri, uncovering automotive relics that time had seemingly forgotten. Among his finds were a 1965 Ford Mustang Fastback and a 1978 Toyota Truck extended cab dually with a camper shell, each with a story to tell.

Ashley, Illinois, a town with a modest population of just over 500 residents according to the 2010 census, is not typically marked on the maps of treasure hunters. Yet, for Collins, it was the resting place of a rare Toyota Truck that had been sitting idle since 1984. The owner of the truck boasted of its enduring reliability, claiming it would run "like a sewing machine" with just a new battery and some fuel. This claim, alongside the vehicle's rarity, piqued Collins' interest. Additionally, a 1946 Chevrolet Stake Bed on the same property demonstrated the lasting quality of vehicles from bygone eras, starting up without hesitation.

Bloomsdale, Missouri, similarly small in population, held a hidden gem of its own—a 1965 Ford Mustang Fastback that had been relinquishing itself to the earth over the past 20 years. Despite its neglected state, the Mustang, originally painted in the unique Honey Gold color exclusive to the 1965 model year, presented a valuable restoration opportunity.

Collins' journey to these off-the-map locations highlights the enduring allure of classic car hunting. It's a reminder that within the quietest and most unassuming places, history and heritage can be found, waiting for someone to give them a second chance at glory. The rescue of these classic cars is not just about the vehicles themselves but about preserving a piece of Americana, capturing the imagination of enthusiasts and historians alike.

The video documenting Collins' adventure offers viewers a glimpse into the world of barn find hunting, showcasing the excitement of discovery and the potential for restoration. These vehicles, once forgotten and left to merge back with the earth, now have the chance to gallop and roam free once more, all thanks to the passion and dedication of classic car enthusiasts like Dennis Collins.